Board Members of Nonprofit Founded by Dr. Sethi Attacked Sen. Blackburn in Ads, and One Oversees Mayor Cooper’s COVID-19 Task Force


One board member of nonprofit Healthy Tennessee, founded by Dr. Manny Sethi, has taken positions excusing protestors for spreading the coronavirus, and he and another director have attacked U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn.

Alex Jahangir and Jesse Ehrenfeld were listed as directors of Healthy Tennessee on the nonprofit’s 2018 Form 990EZ, available here.

Dr. Jahangir serves as the director of Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s COVID-19 task force and blamed the city’s bars for causing a spike in coronavirus cases, not Black Lives Matter protests, The Tennessean said.

Ehrenfeld co-wrote an article for the American Medical Association which said, “Police violence is a striking reflection of our American legacy of racism.”

The article was titled, “Police brutality must stop.”

Sethi has taken a stance against Cooper’s moving the city back to Phase Two of its reopening. Sethi called that “lunacy,” The Tennessee Star reported.

Then there are the doctors’ attacks against Blackburn.

Jahangir and Ehrenfeld both signed an attack ad against Blackburn that was paid for by the Tennessee Democratic Party. The ad, which blames Blackburn for the opioid crisis, is available here on Twitter.

Jahangir endorsed former Gov.Phil Bredesen over Blackburn in Tennessee’s 2018 Senate election.

The Tennessee Star asked these questions of the Sethi campaign:

I need to know if Dr. Sethi has a position on the mandated use of masks.

I need to know if the campaign has any comment on Alex Jahangir being Mayor Cooper’s covid task force head and siding with Black Lives Matter on saying the covid spike is due to bars reopening, not protests.

Jesse Ehrenfeld co-wrote an article which said: “Police violence is a striking reflection of our American legacy of racism.”

Jahangir and Ehrenfeld both signed an attack ad against Senator Marsha Blackburn that was paid for by the Tennessee Democratic Party.

Jahangir endorsed Phil Bredesen over Blackburn in Tennessee’s 2018 Senate election.

Are Jahangir and Ehrenfeld still board members of Healthy Tennessee?

The campaign answered with these statements.

I need to know if Dr. Sethi has a position on the mandated use of masks.

(As we told WRCB last week) “I think that mandating masks is a huge mistake. I want to ensure local leaders and mayors have the right to make decisions, but when they make stupid decisions, such as mandates, I hope they get voted out. 

We cannot defund our police departments; we must defend them. We cannot dismantle our law enforcement. I am so grateful to them and for all they do. The real issue is hypocritical democratic mayors who lockdown cities for everyone except for protestors.”

I need to know if the campaign has any comment on Alex Jahangir being Mayor Cooper’s covid task force head and siding with Black Lives Matter on saying the covid spike is due to bars reopening, not protests.

We have been clear as it relates to Mayor Cooper and his rampant hypocrisy as he works to shut down the economy, but refuses to shut down protests. He’s more interested in social activism than the welfare of Nashville. Frankly, the only candidate in this race who has a record of supporting BLM through his company is Bill Hagerty and he should apologize to all 22 sheriffs of Tennessee’s 95 Counties who endorsed him.

(The campaign linked to this story here.)

Jesse Ehrenfeld co-wrote an article which said: “Police violence is a striking reflection of our American legacy of racism.”

Jahangir and Ehrenfeld both signed an attack ad against Senator Marsha Blackburn that was paid for by the Tennessee Democratic Party.

Jahangir endorsed Phil Bredesen over Blackburn in Tennessee’s 2018 Senate election.

Are Jahangir and Ehrenfeld still board members of Healthy Tennessee?

Dr. Manny left Healthy Tennessee by resigning his position last year. It is a non-partisan, non-political non-profit, and if you have questions about Healthy Tennessee, you should direct them there. Dr. Manny was proud to support Senator Blackburn in 2018 and donated towards her election, unlike Bill Hagerty who did not donate.

Has Dr. Sethi shared with Jahangir his view that Mayor Cooper moving back to Phase 2 is “lunacy”?

 Dr. Manny has made it clear that he supports vertical containment and is totally opposed to lockdowns and big government draconian measures, including with Mayor Cooper directly.

– – –

Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Jesse Ehrenfeld” by Jesse Ehrenfeld. Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.







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5 Thoughts to “Board Members of Nonprofit Founded by Dr. Sethi Attacked Sen. Blackburn in Ads, and One Oversees Mayor Cooper’s COVID-19 Task Force”

  1. rick

    Sometimes things are not what they appear to be!. We do not need to be fooled again.

    1. CCW

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  2. Lesstressrx

    As Manny gets closer and closer to winning the establishment will attack him. A few weeks ago they said he supported abortion, but that was an a
    out and lie. Manny is for freedom and will support Trump in Keeping. America great. I agree Cooper going back to phase 2 is creating more and more mental health issues, people losing their jobs and restaurants have been slandered. We are not having rising deaths. Cooper is hurting Tennessee’s economy and the residents that live here. Thank you Manny for standing for the people and America. Dr. Manny Sethi for Senator of Tennessee.

  3. Ron Welch

    These doctors work together providing medical services to people by the non-profit “Healthy Tennessee” and they have different political views. Dr. Jahangir is a colleague of Dr Sethi at VUMC. How many of us work or have worked with or are friends with persons we disagree politically? I know I have and I do. This is an inconsequential political story.

  4. JB Taylor

    So Dr Manny, Founded a A Non Profit Organization to try and improve Medicine in Tenn. It is based in Nashville, seems logical that possibly a lot of the doctors that join and support the Non Profit medical goals would be Liberal Doctors. This reeks of a smear campaign and guilt by association. Think I will Still vote for Dr Many. Looks like the left is afraid of Dr Manny. I like that.
